Unveiling of the “Born Again” experience open vision

Unveiling of the “Born Again” experience open vision

I have been longing to share this Word from the open vision I encountered, which means that what I am going to impart is an answer to a longing in others hearts. I believe Jesus Christ wants to impart a revelation truth that will open your understanding to receive transforming revelations of His Power and Nature within you. A revelation truth opens your understanding so that you can believe from within the truth, not just believing the truth, but understanding it from the inside out, allowing you to tangibly obtain it.  I never share my open visions or dreams publicly until they have evolved from receiving a seed to becoming a reality in and through my life. The Word becomes a Living Word in and thru me, I carry the weight of the Word that becomes a seed planted in the hearts and minds of others. I wait until I am transformed into the Word as a Living Key, that unlocks insight, wisdom, understanding and revelation for transformation and restoration.

The open vision I had that unveiled the “Born Again experience.”

I was in the library of the Kingdom of Heaven, I took the book called “sacrament” and opened it up. Then I saw a baby in a womb, the blood of Jesus flowed from the book into the womb, it started to saturate and cover the baby inside the womb.

I didn’t fully understand at the time that my open vision was revealing to me the reality of the “Born Again Experience.” I ascended into the Mind of Christ. The Mind of Christ has been revealed to me as the Seven Spirit Realms of the Sevenfold Holy Spirit. Jesus called it a part of the Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven; it was what anointed Him as the Christ (Luke 4:18-19). The Spirit realms or the Kingdom of God, are/is multifaceted and contain many different realms or dimensions. These realms and dimensions can be understood not as separated but as different states/levels of being/consciousness, or, from a more earthly perspective, as parts/rooms within a house. They are all one within the connection of doors/gates, frameworks/walls and structures/infrastructures. It is crucial to understand that all of it is the Kingdom of God. This is the testament of who Jesus Christ is, who He has always been, and who He always will be; also the most radical potent truth is all of it is designed to be birthed, built and framed up from within you. This is why Jesus said seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, we need to understand that Jesus Christ is, was and will forever be the Kingdom of God and the Righteousness of God on our behalf. The Kingdom of God is Christ Jesus, and the Righteousness of God is Christ consciousness. This consciousness is your understanding of your absolute identity in Christ because you have been reconciled and restored to oneness with the Father as a son or daughter. The Kingdom of God and the consciousness of Christ are one and inseparable from their source, which is the self-existing, transcendent, preeminent and sovereign Mind and Heart of God. This is why Jesus said to seek it first. This means that in every minute of every day and in everything you do, you need to seek first the Kingdom/Mind and Consciousness/Righteousness of Christ. Otherwise, you will be seeking out the carnal mind and sense consciousness (mortal/physical senses). This leads to the mixed thoughts of the flesh/self nature and the misuse of soul/mind power (free will) that arise when man separates himself from abiding in a first love covenant relationship with God. All the works of the flesh are the fruit of the carnal mind, which is called the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.” This tree is the source of the “serpent/self, anti-Christ nature” that we all were born into through the DNA/seed of the first Adam, carried through the bloodline of our natural parents. I am in no way calling anyone the antichrist or the serpent. I am sharing spiritual realities about the self nature and how it functions. However, it’s important to understand that the self nature is not your true identity, because your true identity is found in Christ. This is why we all need to become “Born Again” through the DNA/seed of the Last Adam, which is Jesus Christ, carried through His blood, His body, His living water/word, and His pouring out of the immersion/baptism of His Spirit. We are born again in the womb of Jesus, which is the Kingdom of God/The Heavenly Jerusalem. Paul says in Galatians 4:26 that this is our true mother, as the womb in the spirit symbolizes a place of protection, nurturing, and origin; we could understand this as a part of the secret place of the Most High God (Psalm 91:1). This conveys the idea of creation and the birth of our new life in Christ. My open vision revealed me in the womb of Jesus in the Heavenly Jerusalem, immersed in the “Living Word,” resembling a library, which led to the impartation of the immersion/baptism of the Sacrament. The Sacrament is the impartation of the source and substance of the New Covenant through the quickening (awakening of the whole person to the fully illuminated consciousness/awareness of who they are in Christ) by the Holy Spirit overshadowing/immersing us into the Blood and Body of Jesus; Sacrament is what we have come to call Communion but in it’s spiritual substance and not a earthly symbol, to transform and restore us to our origin, identity, and destiny in Christ before the foundation of the world through the “Born Again Experience.”

“The one who eats my body and drinks my blood lives in me and I live in him.” John 6:56 

“And in love He chose us before He laid the foundation of the world! Because of His great love, He ordained us, so that we would be seen as holy in His eyes with an unstained innocence.” Ephesians 1:4. 

This is Sonship Covenant; this is the Gospel of Grace, which is Jesus Christ, and this can become the reality for those who have a powerful revelation of the Born Again Experience. 

“Born again” and the “Kingdom” message have become popular buzzwords regurgitated in mass quantities, rather than provoking power to stir up hunger and thirst for transformation. This is because it’s a mystery that cannot be taught as much as it is caught by revelation; the catching of revelation is received from a vessel appointed to release true substance to partake in, and transformation follows. The way it has been taught has proven to produce little to no real transformation in people or society; otherwise, the culture would look significantly different. The Body of Christ has been veiled from who She truly is in Christ; however, CHANGE IS HERE. Hallelujah, Amen!

Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3:5-6; ‘Jesus answered, “I speak an eternal truth: Unless you are born of water and the Spirit, you will never enter God’s kingdom. For the natural realm only gives birth to things that are natural, but the spiritual realm gives birth to supernatural life!” We have already been born by water/natural means; we identify with that already. Now, it is time to identify with our Spirit birth so we can live “within” the supernatural life of the Kingdom of God, which is unseen.

There are Christians in the modern-day church who are still “carnal,” or perhaps better understood as still under the illusions of the law/power/influence of the fallen flesh/self nature with its virus called sin. They have received “salvation” through the knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Savior; however, they do not understand what they received. Consequently, their souls and minds are still connected to the first Adam’s fallen flesh nature, preventing them from receiving a revelation of the truth. This is the power of preconceived beliefs; they blind you to the truth of the revealing of the Risen Christ, which opens the way to obtain the riches and treasures of your inheritance as a son or daughter of the Father. The truth is that they were impregnated by the Holy Spirit with the incorruptible seed of the Last Adam, Jesus Christ. This is the impartation of the Sacrament that I saw in my open vision. The Sacrament, by the Power of Grace through Faith, plants the DNA/Seed of Jesus Christ because of the “Finished work of Jesus Christ through His Blood and Body.”

‘For through the eternal and living Word (Jesus Christ) of God you have been born again. And this “seed” that He planted within you can never be destroyed but will live and grow inside of you forever. 1 Peter 1:23

In my experience with the modern-day church, I have witnessed a form of godliness but denying its power (2 Timothy 3:5), looking for the truth outside of THE TRUTH HIMSELF, the Spirit of Truth. Essentially, that means we have a lot of self-righteousness and very little faith in the Power of the Blood and Body of Jesus in the Finished Work of the Cross. I believe this is because the truth of the gospel that has been preached for many generations doesn’t reveal true Grace. It isn’t the Gospel of absolute Grace, which is the only Gospel Jesus said He came to preach (Luke 4:19); it has been the doctrine and theology of salvation only. Before I continue, I need to set something straight. This is just what has happened, but it is not absolute reality because God has always had a plan, and change is here. So rejoice, have peace, and praise King Jesus Christ, who was, is, and will forever be the King of kings and the Lord of lords. 

Being born again means being “in” Christ. Believing in Jesus is the first step to redemption/salvation, and obtaining the riches of His Grace and Glory from believing within Him is what we are redeemed/saved for; we need to understand this is all available NOW, not in some far-off distance future. The Scripture says that the Spirit of Prophecy is the testimony of Jesus, not the spirit of doctrine or theology. Doctrine and theology have their place, but they are not to replace the Spirit of Prophecy, which is the revealing of the Living Christ from one degree/level of Glory in our Consciousness/Being to then a consistent progression of higher levels of Glory. Romans 10:17 says, “Faith, then, is birthed in a heart that responds to God’s anointed utterance (Spirit of Prophecy/Spiritual realities) of the Anointed One (Christ Jesus).” This is where the fullness of faith is exercised: the faith of Jesus, for He is the author and finisher of our faith. When faith is birthed in the heart because of our response of believing the anointed utterance of God revealing Jesus Christ, grace is then released to receive the fullness of the “things” (Hebrews 11:1), the anointed Word/Utterance of Christ; we become the anointed Word. It is absolutely wild and too good to be true good news, which is what “gospel” actually means in the Greek. Hallelujah Jesus, Amen!

My favorite example of this is the Roman soldier who came to Jesus to heal his son in Matthew 8:5-13. This Roman soldier wasn’t a Jew or a follower of Jesus; he was actually what we would call a pagan, but he had more faith than all the Jews and followers of Jesus because Jesus said so. Why was his faith greater? Because he wasn’t just coming to Jesus to heal his son; he already believed Jesus could do it. Otherwise, he would have wanted Jesus to come and lay hands on his son, which he specifically asked Jesus not to do (I encourage you to go read the story). He came to Him because he knew that Jesus was worthy. In his position as a sinner, receiving a healing miracle for his son would require a Supernatural faith in the absolute authority of Jesus, who was the only one worthy to have God move on behalf of his son. He believed in the faith of God, which is Jesus Christ, by trusting in Jesus’s absolute authority over everything. Jesus was the complete answer to the miracle his son needed. God calls our faith “great faith” when we not only believe in Jesus Christ but also believe from “within” Him, seeing Him not just as our portion/substance but also as our source. God calls our faith “great faith” when we not only believe in Jesus Christ but also believe from “within” Him, seeing Him not just as our portion/substance but also as our source. Believing that He is worthy to satisfy God’s righteous mercy and His righteous justice/judgment through the finished work of the cross prepares the way for God to move on our behalf or on behalf of others. Jesus said in John 17 (I encourage you to allow the Spirit of Truth to illuminate your heart and mind with the profound power found in Jesus’s prayer in John 17): I am in you, you are in me, by the Holy Spirit, and the love of the Father lives in us. This means we are the permanent dwelling place of the fullness of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) when we are “born again” by grace through faith.

Jesus replied, “Loving me empowers you to obey my word. And my Father will love you so deeply that we (Father, Son and Holy Spirit/Fullness of the “I AM”) will come to you and make you our dwelling place.” John 14:23

This is part 1. I will continue to release as many parts as the Lord leads me to share. I also want to share my personal testimony of being “born again,” not because there is a formula—because there is not—but because it wasn’t a tangible reality for me until I had radical encounters with Grace and Glory that transformed me.

Father, I know You listen to me. Lord Jesus Christ, we come to You expectant and hungry for what no eye has seen and no ear has heard. Overflow in us, Holy Spirit, and illuminate our hearts and minds with Your tangible Grace, Truth, and Glory. To see You Christ Jesus is to truly see and become just like You. I declare Your Kingdom is advancing in greater Power, greater Grace, and greater Glory, and Your will, Father, is being done on earth as it is in Heaven. Holy Spirit, we surrender to Your Lordship. Release fresh fire, fresh anointing, and new wine. We give You, King Jesus, all the Honor, all the Praise, and all the Glory. Hallelujah, Amen. 

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