About Me
Hi, I’m Bethany, and I live in Washington State with my precious family. We are followers of Jesus, sons and daughters of the Great I AM, a New Creation family seeking first the Kingdom of God. We are Kingdom entrepreneurs and ministers of the Gospel with hearts to disciple nations. I am a Kingdom Pioneer, a Wild Uncommon Revolutionist who possesses a unique, multifaceted anointing and a potent mix of mantles. I don’t fit into any mold of any institution or church culture because God, in His sovereignty, chose me to be set apart for an uncommon mission—an unlikely destiny with never-before-seen mix of tools for such a time as this. One of the tools I possess is the Holy Pen which carries the scribe anointing, which differs from the writer’s anointing due to its depth in creatively spreading the gospel through the Lord’s inspired and revealed Word with biblical accuracy, and discipling nations through the wisdom of the Lord’s counsel, both in writing and speaking. The scribe’s anointing is exemplified by an individual who is a devoted lover of Jesus, wholeheartedly giving their life to faithfully follow the patterns of Jesus while seeking training and equipping from the Lord. They serve as a living testament, diligently laboring in the Word and the Spirit. It is an honor to be a steward of this anointing, to carry the mantle it requires, and boldly share it for the advancement of God’s Kingdom. I do this with the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord, the Spirit of the Counsel of the Lord, the Spirit of Might (Power), the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Understanding (Revelation), the Spirit of Knowledge (Revolutionary), and by pursuing a life of holiness, authenticity, integrity, transparency, honor, grace, and virtue. I started this blog to first honor my God by being a steward of the anointed gift He has given me and also be a place where I can share this gift with those women who are looking for empowerment, encouragement, inspiration, insight, counsel, tools for growth, and who are also humble and hungry for the deeper Truth’s of the Word that provokes spiritual maturity. The Grace on my life is a revolutionary governance that disrupts the status quo, it moves and shakes, it is deep wisdom, and by God’s Grace, it is carried out in the dimensions of relentless love, compassion, mercy, supernatural justice and kindness.
Welcome to Under the Palm Tree; I am so honored you are here and excited for the opportunity to partake of the Powerful Word of God together. As a minister of the Gospel of the Kingdom, I am a vessel that is poured out as a tool to provoke hunger and stir up a Holy Desire for those who are seekers to awaken to their Destiny. As I am used as a tool in the hand of the Lord, I too am blessed by what His Grace pours out. I just want you all to know that I see you with the eyes of a heart filled with joy. To witness you live, move, and have your being in the Power of Christ, is an unmeasurable blessing to me. To grow into who He created you to be, to mature into the capacity that He has formed in you, to be rooted in the identity that God has fearfully and wonderfully created you to be and confidently be clothed in a coat of many colors. This is a place for the unlikely, the uncommon, the pioneers, the mothers, and just ordinary women who are chosen for extraordinary exploits for the Kingdom. Each one of you beautiful daughters of God is a masterpiece that the earth is anxiously waiting to see. If there is a knowing deep within you that says you were created for more, more than what is physical, more than what is seen and dare I say you know you were created to be a supernatural being with an unprecedented destiny for such a time as this. My beloved sister it is because you are, and you have found your tribe. I am so excited you are here! Jesus is Lord!!
Love you all,